I graduated as a medical doctor in 2010. After completing my 2 year internship at Victoria Hospital I was placed at Lentegeur Hospital for community service. During my time at Lentegeur Hospital I discovered my passion for mental health and the powerful role mental health plays in community.

Working in both state and military health services further cemented my devotion to mental health and as a result I started my journey to become a specialist psychiatrist. My passion for the field lead me to obtain my masters in medicine with Stellenbosch University and a Fellowship of the College of Psychiatrists. I have had the honour of working as a specialist psychiatrist at Stikland Hospital and holding a lecturer position with the Faculty of Psychiatry Stellenbosch University.

I have shifted my focus from public health care and academic teaching to private psychiatry, with the hope of practicing psychiatry in an increasingly patient centered manner.


From as early as I can remember I’ve wanted to practice medicine, why exactly that was the case I can’t say. I wanted to know how I could help people when they were unwell, or at least comfort them when making them well was not possible. Helping patients achieve a higher quality of life is a very rewarding aspect of this field.


Beyond the hustle and bustle of emergency medicine, I became increasingly invested in the long-term physical and mental health outcomes of my patients.

Rather than brief interaction, psychiatry expands to truly knowing and listening to people, assisting in making a broad spectrum of healthy life changes, from biological (medication) and psychological to social.


I find that helping people discover the healthiest mental and emotional version of themselves results in other health and social concerns becoming easier to address and maintain over the long term.