• A psychiatrist is a health care professional with a degree in medicine and a postgraduate specialist degree in psychiatry. Psychiatry involves the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of mental health conditions. Psychiatrists help patients overcome debilitating mental illness and remove barriers to help people find a greater quality of life.

    Psychiatrists are trained in the identification of biological (genetics, medical illness, substances, etc.), psychological and social contributions to the development of mental health conditions. Psychiatrists are qualified to prescribe medication as well as offer psychological and social interventions to treat mental health conditions.

  • There is a misconception that all psychiatrists focus more on the medical aspects of treatment, however, they are also trained to do psychotherapy.

    A clinical psychologist is generally not a medical doctor and do not prescribe medication. Psychologists are experts in the non-medical aspects (diagnosis and treatment) of mental health using evidence based psychological treatment modalities.

    Psychologists and psychiatrists often work together in the management of patients.

  • Just reaching out and engaging with any psychiatrist is the right first step. Some people minimize their difficulties or ‘soldier on’ despite feeling burdened or facing mental health difficulties.

    If you are considering treatment but you are unsure if you need to see a psychiatrist, our advice is to just get into the system. Starting that conversation is the best thing you can do when you need help.

  • This differs based on your chosen psychiatrist, but in the case of Table Bay Psychiatry you are not required to have a referral from another health care professional.

    While we do accept self referrals please note that your medical aid may not cover a specialist assessment without a GP referral. In order to avoid unexpected out of pocket payments we advise that you contact your medical aid and enquire about their policy.

    Our team will support you in your mental wellness journey, and if during any assessment a condition is identified that requires an assessment by another practitioner, we will make appropriate plans and referrals from our side to ensure you receive the best possible treatment.

  • An initial assessment generally takes 60 to 90 minutes. It entails an assessment after which we can discuss the findings and collaborate on an evidence-based treatment plan that works for you and resonates with your needs.

  • In an initial assessment, a psychiatrist will usually ask what it is that brings you to their services. A variety of questions may be asked including any symptoms you are experiencing, your medical history, substance history and family history.

    Personal questions may be asked with the objective of developing an understanding of the possible diagnosis including the biological, psychological and social factors that may be contributing to your symptoms and experiences. These findings will contribute toward the crafting of a custom treatment plan to address all the contributing factors.

  • In most cases, just yourself. In cases where a child is being assessed, the presence of the caregiver that the child spends most time with is ideal. In the case of assessing an individual with memory difficulties (e.g. suspected dementia), or intellectual/ developmental difficulties, the primary carer’s presence is essential.

    In the event of a referral, referral letters will ideally be reviewed in advance of your appointment. Any relevant documentation in relation to the referral will be requested. If any documentation is required, we will communicate this with you in advance so that you have time to prepare, so don’t let this worry you.

  • Medical aids cover psychiatrist consultations for specific diagnoses (Depression, Bipolar, Schizoaffective disorder). That said after an initial consultation our team will manage the communication with medical aids and yourself to facilitate a payment plan that is tailored to your medical aid cover and your personal ability to make up any difference in cost.

  • Yes, West Beach Clinic is wheelchair accessible.

  • Yes, virtual sessions are available. Please contact us for more information regarding this option.

Table Bay Psychiatry is affiliated with most major medical aids, please contact us to confirm should you have any questions. Patients remain responsible for fees not paid by the medical aid. Payments can be made by debit or credit card.